
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Franklin Roosevelt's Victory over Polio

While Franklin Delano Roosevelt was vacationing in a park, he fell into the cold waters of a lake. After, he continued to play with his children. The same day, he felt slight chills in his lower body. These chills worsened and a slight fever appeared. Within two weeks, Roosevelt was permanently paralyzed from the waist downwards. He could not move any muscle in his lower body without another person's assistance. At first, Roosevelt was shocked that he contracted a severe case of polio in the middle of his early political career. Then, he thought that in order to continue his politcal career, he must convince other people that he is getting better. Therefore, he never allowed the press to cover him when he was in a wheelchair. Roosevelt refused to believe that he was paralyzed and always made his son support him on one arm while the other held a cane. After Franklin Roosevelt became President, he created the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Thus, his face was stamped on the American dime. Fortunately, Roosevelt did get better and only his lower legs were paralyzed by the time he died. This American President is the role model for disabled people. He overcame his severe paralysis, helped other paralyzed Americans and successfully adapted to the American political system.


  1. Did FDR found Roosevelt Institute for Rehabilitation as well?

  2. Yes, FDR is considered as the founder. It was used centuries ago by the native americans for the spring's special healing properties. Then, FDR supported the institution and made it one of the most prominent polio and rehabilitation center.

  3. Above all, I think FDR became a powerful symbol of an individual's ability to overcome the difficulities and gave a hope to disabilities.
    For example, from a 12 year old who had already spent six months in the hospital sent this letter: "I don't know when I shall be able to walk again, but I am not giving up hope. You had paralysis but that didn't stop you from progressing."

  4. I totally agree with you! FDR is considered the third most influential US president (after Abraham Lincoln and George Washington). He saved all the Americans from the Great Depression through a program called the New Deal. :)
