
Monday, April 9, 2012

London Olympics Transportation for Disabilities Part I

The 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics. There are many ways the government is preparing its transportation facilities to help those with disabilities access various parts of the city easier. To begin with, Stratford Station, one of London's largest railway and metro station is situated right next to the Olympic Park. Therefore, the London City Council is investing about $140 million into upgrading various parts of the station. Nine more lifts around the station will assist handicaps access the multiple levels of the station. In addition, the city council will change the entire floor material to a more tactile substance so that wheels can travel easier. Moreover, better signs and highlighted floors will help those with visual impairments. The new Javelin trains will be running the tracks around London. These trains are high-speed trains with better accommodations for those with disabilities. Finally, the last upgrade to the train station will be hearing and viewing centers all around the station. Those with visual or auditory impairments can approach these help stations and press buttons to ask for help. That is a good start for the London City Council. I think they are doing a good job, as of right now, upgrading facilities to accommodate those with disabilities.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Blade Runner

Oscar Pistorius, one of the figureheads of paralympians is sprinter who is famous for his determination to defeat his disabilities. The South African sprinter was born with an abnormality in his legs. Eventually, his legs had to be amputated. Nevertheless, coming from a sports-crazy family, he was determined to be a sprinter. Up until now, he has trained with great determination. Despite numerous injuries, he has continued to practice for championships. Thanks to all this training, he is a fast man indeed. Although he runs on artificial carbon fiber lower legs, he made it to the semi-finals of the International Track Championships at Daegu, South Korea. 2012 is the year of the Olympics and the Paralympics. He plans to win a gold in sprinting at the event. Currently, the sprinter holds the record for paralympians for the 100m and 400m. We wish him good luck in his training for the Paralympics

Friday, February 3, 2012

2012 Paralympic Summer Games Part 2

Adding to the previous description of the 2012 Paralympic Summer Games in London, I will be describing some of the events that will be held during the games.

The largest event in the Paralympic Games will be the Athletics event. At first, I was confused because the term "Athletics" was very broad and vague. Then, I learned that this event was a series of games, including running, pole jumping, and wrestling.

Another interesting event was Boccia. This event is where participants shoot balls so that they end up closest to a certain point.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 Paralympic Summer Games

This year, 2012, is the year of the 2012 Summer Olympics. The Olympic Games have been regarded as the largest and foremost sport event of the twentieth and twent-first centuries. However, there is another Olympic Game that will be held this year just for the disabled. This is the Paralympic Games. Right after the Olympic Games end in the summer and the winter, the Paralympic Games start. It is also one of the largest sports competitions in the world, with thousands of disabled athletes participating in hundreds of events.

The Paralympic Games started out as a festival in Britain for World War II veterans who were disabled after the war. Then, it grew to an annual competition with hundreds of British Veterans. In the 1970s, this event became an official competition and it started to gain international recognition. Now, in the twenty-firs century, it is the main competition that disabled athletes aim for.